Sunday 4th Feb Belper BC Cycle Jumble Number 28, 28 Market Place, Belper DE56 1FZ 10am-4pm free entry Free parking at The Coppice car park (next door)
Sat 10th Feb Nailsworth Bike Jumble Nailsworth Town Hall GL6 0DU 10am -12pm Contact scottychalmerscycling(at)
Sunday 18th Feb Walton Hall and Gardens Cycle Museum Cycle/Motorcycle jumble Walton Lea Road, Higher Walton, Warrington, WA4 6SN 10am -4pm Tables available for hire for an additional charge
Sat 24th Feb Worcester St John's Cycle Club Jumble Hallow Parish Hall next to Crown Inn WR2 6LB 9.30am to 12.30pm— £1.50 ENTRY EARLY BIRD ENTRY £10 BEFORE 9am STALL HOLDERS £12.50 per table £5 PER BIKE (PAID IF IT SELLS ) cycle.jumble(at) or 07966 234984
Sun 25th Feb Carlton Cycle Jumble Carlton in Lindrick Civic Centre, Long Lane, Carlton in Lindrick, Worksop S81 9AP 10am-1pm Admission £1, early bird £5 (before 10am) Paul Blower 07813960735
Sat 2nd March Southfleet Village Hall, Dale Rd, Southfleet near Gravesend, Kent DA13 9NX – same venue as previous years. Off-road parking in field if weather has been dry. Sellers: 08.00 inside table provided £10, single pitch outside £7, double pitch outside £10 Buyers: 09.00 entry £1, early bird £3 Contact: Roger Stevens tel: 01474 745884 email: steverog8(at)
Sun 3rd March Penkridge Cycle Jumble Penkridge Markets, Pinfold Lane, Penkridge, Stafford ST19 5AP Sellers: 07.00 2m space £10 – bring your own tables, all under cover Buyers: 08.00 entry £1, early bird before 08.00 £5 Contact: Martyn tel: 07539320996 Refreshments available.
Sat 23rd March The M5 Cycle Jumble, West Buckland Village Hall, 1 Silver Street, West Buckland TA21 9NA. 1 mile from M5 Junc 26 Sellers: 08.00 indoor tables or outdoor pitches £10 Buyers: 09.00 entry £2 Contact: Simon Ekless (the man who organises the Chalfont jumbles) tel: 07931 929685 email: simon.ekless(at) ~~~~~~~~~~ Sun 24th March Bakewell Jumble Bakewell Agricultural Centre, Agricultural Way, Bakewell, Derbys, DE45 1AH 9am-1pm 20p admission. Refreshments from adjacent cafe Contact: Paul Ayers email: paul(at)
Swindon Supermarine bike jumble. Supermarine sports club, Supermarine road, Swindon,SN34BZ 9am sellers, 10am till 1pm open to public. Lots of parking Approx 40 tables available. £10 per table. Refreshments available. To book a table Email [email protected]
Sat 6th April St James Church Hall, Church Lane, Wrightington WN6 9SP 3 miles from M6/J27 between Wigan & Preston Sellers: 07:00 Inside table provided £10. Outside pitch £15 Buyers: 09:00 entry £1. Before 09.00 £3 Contact: Richard tel: 07779 713721 email: info(at) Sat 13th April National Cycle Museum, Llandrindod Wells to be held at Cefnylls School, Spa Rd, Llandrindod Wells, LD1 5WA (200 metres from Cycle Museum). Unlimited parking. Sellers: 08.30 Inside £10, Outside £7 Buyers: 09.30 entry £1, pre-09.30 £4
Sat 27th April The Big One, Epilepsy Society, Chesham Lane, Chalfont St Peter SL9 0RJ. Recreation hall will be available. Sellers: 08.00 table indoors (supplied or bring own) £12, unlimited space outdoors, bring own tables £15 Buyers: 09.00 entry £2 Contact: Simon Ekless tel: 07931 929685
Sat 11th May ABC Jumble (Autos,Bikes,Cycles) Lower Road, Nash Mills, HP3 8RT Opens 9am (sellers 8am) Admission £1, early entry £2 Sellers £10 per stall, bring own table and chairs. Contact: Ivy tel: 07851 129105
Sat 18th May*****POSTPONED******* New date TBA 5th Holt Cycle jumble, Holt village hall, Holt, Trowbridge, Wiltshire, BA14 6QH Midday-4pm Admission Free
Sunday 19th May Retro Rouleurs Cycle Jumble, Newport Village Hall, 60, Main Road, Newport, Hull HU15 2PP 9am-12noon Admission £1 Refreshments available Contact Andrew Penney 07950 312491 or email Andrew-Penney271(at)
Sat 25th May VCC Jumble West End Parish Sports Pavillion, Benner Lane, West End, Woking, GU24 9JP 8am-1pm Tables £12 indoor and outdoor. Closing date for booking 31st March Bob Squirell bluesky_1948 (at)
Sat 1st June-Sun 2nd June Velo Retro Cycle Jumble Market St, Ulverston, LA12 7AZ Opens 11am, closes 4.30pm (both days) This is part of the 10th Velo Retro, a great retro cycling event held in the Lake District. More details Velo Retro - The Only Vintage Cycling Event In The Lake District
Sat 1st June New Forest Cycle Jumble, Burley Village Hall, Pound Lane, Burley, BH24 4EB. Buyers £1 Opens 8.30-1pm Refreshments Contact Jim Hatton 01425 270345 / 07749 322952
Swansea Cycle Jumble Sports Hall, Tycoch Campus, Tycoch Road, Swansea SA2 9EB 8am-12pm Sellers 7am, Space £10, table extra £5 or bring your own. Book via eventbrite website (see facebook for details) Buyers Early Bird £2 between 8-9, free after 9am
Sunday 2nd June ****Now cancelled********* Kirkley Cycle Jumble, WATbike Workshop, Thorneyford Farm, North of Ponteland, Newcastle, NE20 0AJ 10am-2pm Ring 01661 825599 Sellers £5 free entry
Sun 23rd June York Cycle Rally Saddlebag Sale Cycle Jumble, York Racecourse, Knavesmire, YO23 1EX Public entry: from 10am. Admission £1 or free with Rally programme A part of the York Rally , more details here Details Charles Jepson, tel. 01254 51302, email: [email protected]
Sun 30th June Southwick village hall, Main St, Southwick, Nr Oundle PE8 5BL Sellers and buyers cars to be parked on the field and not on village roads. They are promoting a road race on nearby roads starting at 10am, I need all sellers to be on site by 10am in order to reduce traffic on the course. Sellers: 08.00 space £10, bring own tables Buyers: 08.00 FREE ENTRY Contact: John email: jemccarthy1947(at)
2023 Sat 21st January Holt Village Hall, Trowbridge 1.30pm. Admission £1 see Facebook.
Sunday 5th Feb Swansea Cycle Jumble Gower College Swansea Sports Centre Tycoch, SA2 9EB Sellers 7am Space £10 plus booking fee (See facebook for Eventbrite link). Tables £5 or supply your own. Buyers Early entry £2 before 8am, 8-12pm free. For those attending on two wheels FREE hot drink. Good bike parking, and pick your purchases up the following day.
Sat 18th February Worcester St John's Cycle Jumble Hallow Parish Hall WR2 6LB (next to Crown Inn) Sellers £12.50 + £5 per bike Admission £10 before 9am, £1.50 after 9.30 (??) Refreshments [email protected] or 07966 234984 See farcebook for more info
Sunday 19th Feb Rumours of an event at Manchester Velodrome, but now cancelled, due to building work not being completed. There will be future events at this venue, but nothing currently scheduled.
Sat 25th February Stroud Cycle Jumble Venue and details to follow (see farcebook)
Sunday 26th February Penkridge Cycle Jumble Penkridge Markets, Pinfold Lane, Penkridge, Stafford ST19 5AP Sellers: 07.00 2m space £10 – bring your own tables, all under cover Buyers: 08.00 entry £1, early bird before 08.00 £5 Contact: Martyn tel: 07816 683299 Refreshments available.
Sat 11th March Southfleet Village Hall, Dale Rd, Southfleet near Gravesend, Kent DA13 9NX – same venue as previous years Sellers: 08.00 inside table provided £10, outside £7, double pitch outside £10 Buyers: 09.00 entry £1, early bird £3 Contact: Roger Stevens tel: 01474 745884 email: steverog8(at)
Sunday 19th March Whalley Cycle Jumble Oakhill school, Wiswell Lane, Whalley, Lancashire BB9 7AF. Indoor and outdoor pitches £5. Booking essential. Admission free. No early bird charges, refreshments, large, secure and free car park. Charles 01254 51302 (five digits) or [email protected]. PLEASE NOTE The school's new electronical timed gates will not open until 8am. Please avoid blocking traffic in the narrow lane outside the college.
Sun 26th March Bakewell Agricultural Centre, DE45 1HA – site of first Eroica, best accessed from A6, Matlock direction from town centre. Sellers: 08.00 table supplied £10 Buyers: 09.00 entry 20p Contact: Paul Ayers tel: 07813 088401 email: paul_ayers(at) Full refreshment service.
Sat April 1st Llandrindod Wells Cycle Museum to be held at Cefnllys School, Spa Rd, LD1 5WA a few hundred yds from Museum. Includes surplus museum stock. Free parking. Museum open too. Sellers: 08.30 inside table provided £10, outside (no need to book for outside) £7 Buyers: 09.30 entry £1, before 09.30 entry £3 Contact: Steve Griffith tel: 07740 923630. email: griffith531(at)
East Midlands Cycle Jumble Derby Velodrome/Arena, Royal Way, DE24 8JB 9-12pm, Entry £2, (£5 before 9). Tables £10 per pitch, £15 per table supplied. Sellers from 8am. Free parking upto 3 hrs (charges apply after this) Organiser Matt Hall, 07940 465625 Inglenook Farm, Moss Nook Lane, St.Helens WA11 8AE Sellers: 07.00 table £15, bring your own £10 Buyers: 08.00 Contact: email: vintagebikestable(at) Sat April 15th VCC Jumble AKA "Ripley Jumble" Effingham Scout Hut, The Milestone, Guildford Rd A254, Effingham, KT24 5NP Sellers: 08.00 stall £10. NOTE: NO entry before 08.00, you cannot wait on busy A road. Buyers: 09.00 entry £1, before 09.00 £5. NOTE: NO buyers parking on site, park in King George V playing Field, Browns Lane – a short walk Contact: Rob tel: 07971 382953 Sat 22nd April St James Church Hall, Church Lane, Wrightington WN6 9SP. 3 miles from M6/J27 between Wigan & Preston Sellers: 07:00 Inside table provided £10. Outside pitch £15 Buyers: 09:00 entry £1. Before 09.00 £3 Contact: Richard tel: 07779 713721. email: info(at)
Nash Mills car boot sale field, Lower Rd, Nash Mills, Herts HP3 8RT – 1 mile from M25/J20 or 2 miles from M1/J8 Sellers: 08.00 table £5 – bring own tables & chairs Buyers: 09.00 entry £1, before 09.00 £2 Contact: Ivy tel: 07851 129105
Sat 29th April Epilepsy Society, Chesham Lane, Chalfont St Peter SL9 0RJ (Outside jumble) Sellers: 08.00 3m square pitch £15, bring own tables & chairs Buyers: 09.00 entry £2 Contact: Simon Ekless tel: 07931 929685 email: simon.ekless(at)
VC Deal, Betteshanger Country Park, Deal, Kent CT14 0BF access via M2/A2 or M20 Sellers: 08.00 pay your daily parking fee currently £3.50 & park where indicated on the day. No other fees payable. Bring own tables. Buyers: 09.00 just the car parking fee, no entry charge as such. Contact: email: ianferrell(at) Sunday May 14th 10-4pm Falmouth Cycle Jumble, Falmouth Cycles, Unit F, Falmouth, TR11 4SN. Outside Space only £5 per pitch. Buyers free entry
Sat May 20th New Forest Cycle Jumble, Burley Village Hall, Pound Lane, Burley, BH24 4EB. Buyers £1 Opens 8.30-1pm Sellers No information. Refreshments Contact Jim Hatton 01425 270345 / 07749 322952
Sunday May 21st Norwich Cycle Jumble, St Mary's Works, Norwich,NR3 3AF Opens 12-5pm Sellers £15 Buyers Free Refreshments (Coffee and Pizza) Contact Norwichbicyclejumble(at)
Sat May 27th 3rd Holt Cycle Jumble Holt Village Hall Opens 11.30-1.30pm Sellers £10 Buyers Free Contact Pedalshedcyclerepairs(at)
Sat June 3rd Velo Retro Cycle Jumble, part of the Velo Retro Cycle Festival Market St, Ulverston, LA12 7AZ Opens 11am -6pm Sellers 20 stalls only - Fully booked Buyers Free entry, as its in the street!
Sunday June 11th BowlandBikes CIC, Unit 5 Old Shawbridge Sawmill, Taylor St, Clitheroe, BB7 1LY Sellers: 08.00 indoor table £10, outside-bring own tables £5 Buyers: 09.00 entry £1 for Prostate Cancer Research Contact: Steve tel: 01200 871271 email: bowlandbikescic(at)
Bygone Bikes****************Now cancelled************ Tankersley Village Hall Pilley Lane Pilley near Barnsley S75 3AP Opens 9am
Saturday 17th June Lockerley Village Fete and Cycle Jumble Lockerley and East Dean War Memorial Hall, SO510JG Opens 12-5pm Sellers £5 Buyers free Philip(at) to book
Sunday 18th June Banbury Rugby Club, Bodicote Park, Oxford Rd, Bodicote, Banbury OX15 4AF Sellers: to arrive before 10.00, pitch free to V-CC members, others £10 Buyers: 10.45 Contact: Brian, Golden Age Cycles, email: bsreid(at)
Sat June 24th AMCR Cycle Jumble and Auction Cheriton Recreation Ground, Cheriton, Hampshire, SO24 0QQ Sellers: £5 for each bring your own table or equivalents pre-booked, £10 per hired table 6’ x 2’6”pre-booked, £10 and £15 (if available) respectively on the day. Buyers: 09:00 entry £1. Early entry £5 Full details: Contact: Andrew Wilcox tel: 07813 211451 email: andrew(at)
Sunday, June 25th York Rally Saddlebag Sale (cycle Jumble) York Racecourse, Knavesmire, YO23 1EX 10am to 1pm Indoor table £16 Admission £1 or free with Rally programme Contact: Charles Jepson 01254 51302 (five digits) email: [email protected]
Sat 12th August Nash Mills car boot sale field, Lower Rd, Nash Mills, Herts HP3 8RT – 1 mile from M25/J20 or 2 miles from M1/J8 Sellers: 08.00 table £5 – bring own tables & chairs Buyers: 09.00 entry £1, before 09.00 £2 Contact: Ivy tel: 07851 129105
Sat August 19th Sussex CA Handcross Sports Pavilion, High St, Handcross, W.Sussex RH17 6BJ. At end of M23, take B2114 for 2mls, right at r/bout & 100yds on right.Sellers: 07.30 table inside £10 incl table, pitch outside £8 bring own tableBuyers: 09.00 entry £1, before 09.00 £3 Contact: Robin Johnson tel: 01403 783368, 07733 132043 email: mr_rjohnson(at)
Sun 20th August Exeter Bike Jumble Ride on Cycling for All (Charity) 61, Haven Road, 10.30-12.30 More details facebook
Sat 26th August Kedington Bike Jumble Kedington Community Centre Arms Lanre, Kedington, Suffolk, CB9 7QQ 9.30-12.30pm £2.00 entry for buyers \ Early-bird entry from 08:30 - £3.50 Indoor Tables £10.00 \ BYO Outdoor Tables £5.00 Just Sell A Bike £3.50
Sat September 2nd Muswell Hill Vintage & Modern Cycle Collectors Market & Jumble St Marys with St George Parish Hall, Cranley Gardens, Muswell Hill, London N10 3AH Opens 9am-12.30pm Admission £1 Early entry (7.30am £5)
Sun 4th September ****NOW CANCELLED******** Energise Cycles/Birkenhead Victoria Cycling Club Cycle Jumble 4, Sovereign Way, Wirral, CH41 1DL 10am-2pm No tables provided. Presumed Free admission Joe Grant 07468513590 More details facebook
Saturday 9th September St James Church Hall, Church Lane, Wrightington WN6 9SP. 3 miles from M6/J27 between Wigan & Preston Sellers: 07:00 Inside table provided £10. Outside pitch £15 Buyers: 09:00 entry £1. Before 09.00 £3 Contact: Richard tel: 07779 713721 email: info(at)
Saturday 16th September Grand Tor Cycling weekend/Jumble/Camping 9-6pm Grand Tor seems to be a shop based in Shepton Mallet. Details on facebook
Sunday 17th September Hadleigh MTB Jumble, Woodcutters Arms, 307, Eastwood Road North, Southend on Sea, SS9 4LT Opens 9am Free entry Pitches £5, must be booked in advance, bring your own tables. info(at)
Saturday, September 23rd Bygone Bykes (Yorkshire Club) (non-V-CC) Great Yorkshire Cycle Jumble Shipton Village Hall, Shipton by Beningbrough YO30 1AA Sellers: 09.00 indoors £10, Buyers 10am Indoor and outdoor pitches £10, bring your own table. Admission by voluntary donation to Club funds. No queuing and no early bird charges. Contact: Charles Jepson 01254 51302 (five digits) email: [email protected]
Sunday 24th September Saturday Cycles Autumn Cycle Jumble Belmont Community Hall, Telford, TF1 1LT 10am-2pm Entry £1 Contact Saturdasycyclesuk(at)
Saturday 7th October Whittlesey Cycle Jumble, St Andrews Hall & grounds, Parkinson’s Lane, Whittlesey, Cambs PE7 1BZ Sellers: 11.00 table £10 Buyers: 12.00 noon > 15.00 entry .50p Contact: Sandra & Martin Green tel: 01733 206627 email: sandragreenmartingreen(at)
Sunday October 8th Cottingham Cycle Jumble, Darby and Joan Club, Cottingham Opens 10am More details on facebook
Sunday October 15th Penkridge Cycle Jumble Penkridge Markets, Pinfold Lane, Penkridge, Stafford ST19 5AP Sellers: 07.00 2m space £10 – bring your own tables, all under cover Buyers: 08.00 entry £1, early bird before 08.00 £5 Contact: Martyn tel: 07816 683299 Refreshments available.
Saturday 21st October South Derbyshire Cycle Jumble Frank Wickham Village Hall, Portland Street, Etwall, DE65 6JF. 9.30am-12 Admission £1, early bird (before 9am) £3 Refreshments More details here......
Sat 4th November Epilepsy Society, Chesham Lane, Chalfont St Peter SL9 0RJ – Back indoors in the newly renovated Recreation Hall Sellers: 08.00 Indoor tables £12, some can be supplied. Outdoor 3m square pitch (bring own gazebo or van) £15 Buyers: 09.00 entry £2 Contact: Simon Ekless tel: 07931 929685 email: simon.ekless(at) Sat 11th November Tewin Tewin Village Hall, 11 Lower Green, Tewin, Herts AL6 0JX – near Welwyn Garden City few mins off J6 A1M. In village centre off village green. Parking in adjacent Bowls Club centre. Sellers: 08.30 indoor table £9 must be booked, outside spaces available £5 Buyers: 09.30 entry £1, before 09.30 £3 Contact: Steve Griffith tel: 07740 923630 email: griffith531(at)
Sunday 19th November Whalley Cycle Jumble Venue: Oakhill College, Wiswell Lane, Whalley BB7 9AF From 9am to 1pm. Indoor stalls (tables provided) £5 Outdoor stalls (bring your own table) £5. Admission by voluntary donation. No queuing, no early bird charges. Large, free on site car park Refreshments Contact: Charles Jepson 01254 51302 (five digits) or email clarioncc(at)
Saturday December 9th Spoco (Sporting Courses) Supporters Club Leaden Roding Village Hall, Leaden Roding, Essex CM6 1RB Sellers: 07.30 table inside £10 incl table, pitch outside £8 bring own table Buyers: 09.00 entry £1, before 09.00 £3 Contact: Robin Johnson tel: 01403 783368, 07733 132043 email: mr_rjohnson(at)
2022 Friday 5th to Sunday 7th August -EVENT NOW CANCELLED Eroica Britannia, Goodwood PO18 0PX Sellers: 5m x 3m space undercover in the ‘garage/pits’ sheds £200 + VAT Contact: Andy Franks email: stokecsc(at) Sat August 20th Pease Pottage Community Centre, Recreation Ground, Old Brighton Road, Pease Pottage, West Sussex RH11 9AH. 1 mile from M23/A23, ¾ mile from B2114. Sellers: 07.30 inside table provided £10, NO bikes inside. Bring your own outside table £10 Buyers: 09.00 entry £1, before 09.00 £3 Contact: Robin Johnson tel: 01403 783368, 07733 132043. email: mr_rjohnson(at)
Sunday 21st August Manchester Velodrome Summer Jumble Stuart Street, M11 4DQ 10am-1pm More details or contact Paul Wilson at bikecheche(at)
Sat 3rd September Epilepsy Society, Chesham Lane, Chalfont St Peter SL9 0RJ – All outdoor venue apart from the Cafe! Sellers: 08.00 3m square pitch £15, bring own tables & chairs Buyers: 09.00 entry £2 Contact: Simon Ekless tel: 07931 929685 email: simon.ekless(at)
Sat September 17th Great Yorkshire Cycle Jumble. Shipton Village Hall, Shipton by Beningbrough YO30 1AA. Indoor and outdoor pitches £10, bring your own table. Admission £1. No early bird charges, no queuing. Refreshments and free car park. Charles 01254 51302 (five digits) or [email protected].
Sat September 24th St James Church Hall, Church Lane, Wrightington WN6 9SP. 3 miles from M6, Junc 27 between Wigan & Preston Sellers: 07:00 Inside table provided £10. Outside £5 Buyers: 09:00 entry £1. Before 09.00 £3 Contact: Richard tel: 07779 713 721. email: info(at)